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inner healing seminar

This seminar consists of theory and a practical part. It takes three days

(plus individual counseling/prayer) or a week. This seminar is about restoration

of things that went out of control. Injuries by persons of authority shape our

character and our personality. Injuries lead to a pendulum movement between

rejection and rebellion. Rejection leads to sadness, self-pity, depression, inferiority

and guilt. Rebellion leads to resentment, bitterness, manipulation and pride.

Based on God's standards, different bricks in the wall of rejection and rebellion

which were built by injuries, will be considered. The goal is the restoration of the foundation

in life upon which new walls of salvation can be built. The seminar also encompasses

one-on-one talks and release prayers. Seminar calendar and places can be found here.

Most of the inner healing seminars are bilingual in German and English. Please contact us

about the costs and accommodation.

Dates and Registration